
PAMEKASAN – With high intensity rain accompanied by lightning in a number of areas, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Pamekasan Regency, East Java, gave an early warning of flood alerts.

According to the Coordinator of the BPBD Rapid Response Team (TRC) of the Pamekasan Regency Government, Budi Cahyono, based on forecasts from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), bad weather has the potential to occur in the next three days.

"And Pamekasan Regency is part of the regencies in East Java where bad weather is expected to occur, so we need to convey an early warning to the public," Budi said, quoting Antara, Sunday, June 5.

Budi explained, based on BMKG forecasts submitted to BPBD Pamekasan Regency, heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds has the potential to occur in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Apart from Pamekasan, other regencies that are also estimated to be potentially affected by bad weather in the form of heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds are Bangkalan, Sampang and Bangkalan regencies.

Therefore, continued Budi, the BPBD of the Pamekasan Regency Government needs to disseminate information based on the BMKG forecast to all residents so that they increase their awareness, especially for people living in disaster-prone areas.

Based on BPBD data from the Pamekasan Regency Government in Pamekasan, the areas that fall into the flood-prone category are Pamekasan District and Pademawu District.

Floods that usually occur in the two sub-districts are caused by overflowing rivers, namely the Kalisemajid River and the Kaliklowang River.

"The ones that are prone to landslides and cliffs are usually in the north coast, such as in Waru, Pakong and Kadur sub-districts, because there are many hills," he said.

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