
SURABAYA - An official of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol) of Surabaya City, East Java, was reported to the police for allegedly selling goods resulting from the control.

"Currently it is being processed at the Surabaya Inspectorate and City Police. What will the next process be, we leave it to the Surabaya Inspectorate and City Police," said Head of Surabaya Satpol PP Eddy Christijanto quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 4, 2022.

Eddy is not ready to mention the names or initials of the PP Satpol officials.

Eddy explained in detail the case that befell his subordinates.

One of the Surabaya Satpol PP officials is suspected of selling the control items in the control warehouse which did not comply with the procedures.

Because, he said, in the warehouse, there were various items resulting from the control, ranging from pieces of billboards, pieces of utilities, banners, towers, carts, and other control items.

"If converted into rupiah, the results of the control goods sold are worth hundreds of millions of rupiah," he said.

He learned about the incident from his members on Monday, May 23.

After learning about the incident, Eddy ordered the Head of the Regional Regulation Enforcement Division (Kabid Gakda) of the Surabaya Satpol PP to stop all activities in the warehouse.

In fact, he also asked for an internal examination of the parties concerned.

"After checking at the warehouse, it turned out that there was indeed activity and it was immediately stopped. That day we also conducted a marathon inspection," he said.

From the results of the examination, on May 24, 2022, Eddy also reported the incident to the Assistant Government as his direct supervisor.

At that time, the Government Assistant asked to submit it directly to the Inspectorate so that Eddy also reported the incident to the Surabaya City Government Inspectorate.

"On May 25, 2022, the Inspectorate directly inspected the warehouse. In a marathon, the Inspectorate has directly inspected the related parties so far," he said.

In addition to inspections from the Inspectorate, he said, his party will also continue to carry out internal inspections until May 31, 2022.

Finally, at that time there was a provisional conclusion regarding the case.

Furthermore, Eddy also brought the case to the realm of law and is currently still under investigation.

"On June 2, 2022, we asked the Surabaya Police for assistance to conduct an investigation into the matter," he said.

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