
RIAU - The Riau High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) investigation team has examined 20 witnesses related to allegations of corruption in the management of Public Service Assistance (BLU) funds at the Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University (Suska) from the 2019 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"Since I became the Head of Penkum and Public Relations of the Riau Prosecutor's Office in the past two weeks, 20 people have been investigated so far," said Head of the Legal Information Section (Kasi Penkum) and Public Relations of the Riau Prosecutor's Office, Bambang Heri Purwanto when met at the Riau Prosecutor's Office in Pekanbaru, Between, Friday, June 3rd.

The latest examination of AS as the Chair of the Communication Studies Program at UIN Suska Riau in 2019. He was examined as a witness related to the mechanism for requesting payments to the expenditure treasurer and the realization of the 2019 UIN Suska Riau budget.

In addition, the Chairperson of the 2019 UIN Suska Senate with the initials I. Like the US, he was examined by the Riau Prosecutor's Office of the Special Investigation Team as a witness regarding the mechanism for requesting payments to the expenditure treasurer and the realization of the 2019 UIN Suska Riau budget.

"The examination of witnesses is carried out to provide information for the purpose of investigating a criminal case that he has heard himself," said Bambang.

In addition, Bambang also emphasized that the examination of 20 witnesses was intended to find legal facts regarding the existence of criminal acts of corruption.

"We are also trying to collect evidence to strengthen the evidence in the alleged corruption in the management of BLU at UIN Suska Riau in 2019 which is sourced from the Riau Province State Budget," he said again.

Previously, allegations of corruption in the management of BLU Suska Riau 2019 BLU funds originating from the APBN went up to the investigation stage, Wednesday, May 11.

From the results of the case title by the investigative team for the Special Crimes Division of the Riau Prosecutor's Office, the alleged corruption in the management of the 2019 UIN Suska BLU funds sourced from the APBN with a Budget Ceiling of Rp. 129,668,957,523.

Until now, the value of state losses is still being calculated while completing the examination file.

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