
KALTENG - Governor of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) Sugianto Sabran emphasized that the provincial government agreed with the regional government to form a task force and immediately audit oil palm plantation companies in the local area.

"We have agreed to form a task force. We will work to audit large plantations," said Sugianto in Pangkalan Bun, Antara, Friday, June 3.

He said this step is so that the desired final goal can be realized. Namely, entrepreneurs are aware that plasma must have 20 percent of the area and be allocated to the surrounding community.

"We support the policy of President Joko Widodo and the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan to audit plantation companies in Indonesia, especially Central Kalimantan," he said.

Sugianto explained that he had just held a meeting with a number of regional heads with oil palm plantations in his area, such as the Regents of East Kotawaringin, Seruyan, Lamandau, and Sukamara, including the Acting Regent of West Kotawaringin.

"We respond to issues that occur in the community, especially regarding the existence of gardens," he said again.

The regents in the meeting conveyed various problems related to these plantations and on average they were the same, namely there were always problems between the company and the community.

Sugianto also emphasized that his party is ready to act decisively, namely conducting audits or checking, if the licensing is not complete according to the provisions until there is no plasma, the Plantation Business Permit (IUP) will be revoked.

According to him, this step is an effort by the government to tidy up or solve various problems in the field. He also asked entrepreneurs to participate significantly in regional development, both in improving human resources, fighting poverty, and others.

"This is what the government wants, it's actually a small thing, if they (entrepreneurs) want it, there's really no problem. The problem is they don't fulfill their commitments and don't want to, that's the difficult thing," he said again.

In addition, Sugianto also regrets because he considers that up to now there is still overlapping of regulations between ministries in the central government.

"If the central and regional governments are united, everything will be clear. There is no problem that we cannot solve," he also said.

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