
JEMBER - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiarej said the law must be adaptive to the dynamics of the times and must carry out its function as a guardian of the relationship between individuals and the relationship between individuals and the state in society, preventing the arbitrariness of the authorities, and the function to resolve "In the context of the law, it must be adaptive to the dynamics of this era, so the government prepares a Draft Law (RUU) for the Criminal Code (KUHP) which is expected to be completed and promulgated this year," he said while giving a public lecture at the Faculty of Law. University of Jember, East Java, Thursday June 2nd. Wamekumham who is usually called Eddy gave a public lecture with the theme "Criminal Law Reform in Indonesia" which was attended by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law, lecturers and students at the Multipurpose Building of the Faculty of Law, University Jember (Unej). According to him, the legal system in Indonesia is always related to the legal system other systems such as religious, social, economic, customs, and political systems, it is not easy to draft a Draft Criminal Code, especially in Indonesia, which is multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. "There will always be tug of war interests in the process. I gave an example of the Dutch state which was only able to complete the Criminal Code after it took 70 years, even though the Netherlands is a relatively homogeneous country in terms of religion, social, economy, customs and politics," he said, quoted by Antara.

He said that legal studies are very broad, covering babies who are still in the womb to people who are already dead are regulated by law, and the law is also an open system built on other subsystems. "Law is also related to other systems such as religion, social , economics, and politics. We realize that when controversy arises during the drafting of the Criminal Code Bill, it is normal because it is impossible for the Criminal Code Bill to satisfy all parties," he said. parties and crimes against blasphemy in the Criminal Code are also carried out in other countries, for example, the Netherlands. Likewise, regarding customary law or The Living Law in the Criminal Code Bill, it has received a lot of criticism parties because the existence of the article on customary law stems from a condition where Indonesia is a multi-ethnic country so that customary law is still followed by many people, such as in Bali and Papua. if there is no criminal article that regulates it, that is through the existing district court," he said.

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