
JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has his own way of celebrating the Birthday of Pancasila. In Central Java, the commemoration is held for a whole month with the headline of Pancasila month activities.

Starting the month of Pancasila, Ganjar started it with activities to strengthen the nation's sovereignty with the theme "Pancasila and Multicultural Central Java Millennials" at Grhadhika Bhakti Praja.

"Today we open with a dialogue with young people, and also prepare a bundle of events, which will be held for a whole month," said Ganjar in a written statement, Thursday, May 2.

Ganjar said similar dialogues would take place in other areas. The topics are varied, from economics to culture. All involve multicultural youth and intellectuals.

This activity, said Ganjar, is also in accordance with the message of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo in his message asking all nations to unite in upholding Pancasila.

"We hope that we will be able to truly appreciate the Pancasila and the Bung Karno Month, if it is implemented, how will it be grounded," he said.

One of this series of activities, also commemorates Bung Karno Month. Later, a national camp will be held, and the participants will be students from all over the country in Central Java.

"Bung Karno is a very thick Mustika Rasa food recipe book, we will display it later and it is hoped that students in Central Java from various islands and tribes will bring their own dishes," he said.

Ganjar hopes that the Pancasila Month activities will become a place for young intellectuals to discuss.

"So basically the notion of sovereignty in the political field is discussed, we encourage independence in the economic field so that the economy can grow, we also invite cultural personalities to participate in talking about contemporary contextual matters and involve more community roles," he said.

Head of the National Unity and Political Affairs Agency of Central Java Province, Haerudin, added that the Pancasila Month activity collaborated with the NKRI Guard organization.

"They are a collection of students, mass organizations, united in one unit, the Guards of the Republic of Indonesia," said Haerudin, met at Grhadhika Bhakti Praja.

According to him, they have the initiative, and the desire to celebrate the Birthday of Pancasila, and hold Pancasila Month activities.

"Pancasila Month, which is to carry out grounding activities to commemorate the values of Pancasila, starting from June 1 to the end of June," he said.

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