
SOLO - The news of hundreds of prospective civil servants (CPNS) and government employees with work agreements (PPPK) who resigned reached the ears of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Gibran was so disappointed with the decisions of the hundreds of CPNS. Moreover, the reason for resigning CPNS is because of a small salary.

"Already registered, took the test withdrew. It's rude, it's rude," said Gibran, quoted from the Surakarta news Youtube channel, Thursday, June 2.

According to Gibran, hundreds of CPNS should become entrepreneurs if the goal is to get a large salary or income. Being a public servant, the main goal is public service.

"If you want a big salary, don't be a civil servant, it's not that quality. Tomorrow don't do that again, it's a loss. The Minister of Administrative Affairs is also angry, you can't be like that. If you want to be rich, become an entrepreneur, don't be a civil servant, don't register here," said Gibran.

The Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Tjahjo Kumolo emphasized that the government will impose sanctions on hundreds of prospective civil servants (CPNS) and government employees with work agreements (PPPK) who resign after being declared to have passed the 2021 selection.

Referring to Article 54 of the PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 27 of 2021 concerning the Procurement of Civil Servants, CPNS who resign will be given a sanction of not being able to apply (blacklist) on ASN admissions for the next one year period.

Likewise for PPPK who resigned, as stated in Article 35 of the PANRB Regulation Number 29/2021 concerning the Procurement of PPPK for Functional Positions and Article 41 of the PANRB Regulation No. 28/2021 concerning the Procurement of PPPK for the Functional Position of Teachers in Regional Agencies in 2021.

"If any of them resign, as is the case now, they will be given strict and severe sanctions so as not to harm the country and have a deterrent effect in the future," said Tjahjo in his statement, Monday, May 30.

Tjahjo emphasized that the withdrawal of 105 CPNS and 442 PPPK after passing the selection was detrimental to the state, both in terms of the budget that had been spent during the recruitment process for these government employees, as well as from the CPNS and PPPK formations that should have been filled empty.

Therefore, he asked the relevant ministries/institutions, especially the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) so that the abandoned formation could be filled again if the process of determining the Employee Identification Number (NIP) had not been carried out.

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