
JAKARTA - The Navy (TNI) is preparing troops to serve in border areas and the outermost islands, namely the Marine Task Force (Satgasmar) Ambalat XXVIII and the Outer Island Task Force XXVI.

Operations Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Navy (Asops Kasal) Rear Admiral TNI Dadi Hartanto led the readiness for operations of the Ambalat XXVIII Task Force and XXVI Outer Islands Task Force for the eastern and western regions at the Mako Brigif 2 Marine Corps R. Suhadi Gedangan apple field, Sidoarjo.

Dadi said the operational readiness check was aimed at knowing firsthand and ensuring the readiness of the Marine Corps soldiers before serving on the borders and outer islands of the Republic of Indonesia.

"This activity is one of a series of scheduled operational readiness checks which are the work program of the Operations Headquarters staff, in order to carry out an operational readiness inspection of the operational cities of the Indonesian Navy, which includes Koarmada I, Koarmada II, Koarmada III, Kolinlamil, Pushidrosal. , Puspenerbal, and the Marine Corps," Dadi said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 31.

The readiness for the operation is also a preparatory stage before the entire Kotama Operations Task Force of the Indonesian Navy will undergo an examination at TNI Headquarters.

"So that it is in a ready-to-operate condition, in accordance with the priority program of Kasal Admiral TNI Yudo Margono in the development of a system of strength development and operational readiness that synergizes and has high interoperability," he explained.

The assignment of the Ambalat XXVIII Security Operations Task Force and XXVIII Outer Island Security Operations Task Force for the eastern and western regions is an operational task to maintain the integrity of the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia from all forms of threats.

In addition, the Task Force is also tasked with carrying out deterrence operations against all forms of threats as well as offensive action operations, by searching for, approaching, and destroying enemy forces.

Therefore, we need strong soldiers who have high vigilance and readiness.

"Marine Corps soldiers who are fighting soldiers hold fast and uphold the predicate for success and success in every assignment," said Dadi.

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