
JAKARTA - The ulema who are members of the Jakarta ulema alliance have asked the government to provide halal vaccines according to the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) for the COVID-19 vaccination program.

The scholars agreed that the Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.01.07/MENKES/1149/2022 regarding the determination of the type of vaccine for the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination on 28 April 2022, did not refer to the Supreme Court Decision Number 31P/HUM/2022 dated 14 April 2022.

In addition, Circular Number SR.02.06/C/2740/2022 dated May 24, 2022, the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health also does not refer to a higher decision, namely Presidential Decree Number 99 of 2020 which has received a Supreme Court decision.

Muqadam Tariqah At-Tijaniyah KH Muhammad Yunus Hamid said this fact shows that the government through the Ministry of Health has not complied with Supreme Court Decision Number 31P/HUM/2022 dated April 14, 2022, by guaranteeing the halalness of the vaccine.

"Because the majority of vaccine users are Muslims, as the majority of citizens in Indonesia. While the types of vaccines used by the Ministry of Health, the Director General of P2P at the Ministry of Health are still the majority of vaccines that are not halal," explained Kiyai Yunus in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday. , May 31.

Meanwhile, the builder of the Indonesian Muslim Consumers Foundation (YKMI), KH Jamaluddin F Hasyim, who was the promoter of the ulema alliance movement, added that there were a lot of ulema who were restless over the government's attitude.

It seems, continued Jamaluddin, that the government is reluctant to comply with the Supreme Court's decision.

The government, in this case the Ministry of Health, is urged to comply with Supreme Court Decision Number 31P/HUM/2022 dated April 14, 2022 by being obliged to provide halal vaccines to Muslims in the vaccination program.

"Secondly, disobedience to the Supreme Court Decision Number 31P/HUM/2022 dated April 14, 2022 is a form of human rights violation, which specifically harms the legal rights of Muslims because they are given non-halal vaccines," said Kiyai Jamal.

Jamal also asked the Ministry of Health not to submit to the vaccine mafia and prioritize the production of halal vaccines in Indonesia.

A number of scholars who are members of the group include KH Ahmad Marwazie Al-Batawi, KH Dr Hamdan Rasyid, KH Maulana Kamal Yusuf, KH Mahfudz Asirun, KH Dr. Ali Abdillah, Ust. Zia'ul Haramein, Lc (Khodim Ponpes Darul Sunnah), Ust. H. Izzul Mutho, Lc, SH (Imam Zawiyah Arraudhah), as well as hundreds of Ulama, Asatidz and Masyaikh Majlis Taklim from the Greater Jakarta area.

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