
JAKARTA - The Jakarta Formula E event has not yet pocketed a sponsor from a state-owned company. Up to five days before the event, the electric car race was only tied to seven private sponsors.

Political observer Rocky Gerung believes that SOEs have not signed the Jakarta Formula E sponsorship for political reasons.

He said that SOE funding that could make the Jakarta Formula E event smoother could boost the popularity of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

"So it's actually just a little move with SOEs, people come competing to place advertisements in Formula E. But indeed it is an advertisement that can make Anies unstoppable. That's what I'm afraid of," said Rocky through his YouTube account, Rocky Gerung Official, Tuesday, May 31.

According to Rocky, organizing an international event in the country should be separated from political matters. Moreover, the title will be held in a province whose status is still the state capital.

"Even though this is a business advertisement, why contact with a business advertisement can make Anies advertise politically as well," he said.

Anies also, he said, has been aggressively promoting for the success of the event since the planning of Formula E. Rocky reasoned that Anies' promotion was for the success of the event and the good name of Indonesia.

"Want to separate politics from the reputation of the capital city, or just want to take advantage of the momentum to reduce Anies Baswedan's electability," he said.

Rocky thinks it is irrational if there is a view that Formula E Jakarta has succeeded in increasing Anies' electability, so that SOEs have not been involved in sponsoring the racing event.

"Actually, this nation is being torn apart by irrational competition. Just help DKI after all, that is also the government's achievement in the end," said Rocky.

He also joked about this related to competition in the contestation of the democratic party. "Once again behind is Formula U, Formula "Money" is on hold. Or even Formula I, Formula "Envy," he concluded.

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