
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) said the process of drafting a law on the national education system (RUU Sisdiknas) had not been reported to President Joko Widodo.

The Head of the Education Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture Anindito Aditomo explained that it had not been forwarded to President Jokowi because the National Education System Bill was still in the planning stage.

"There are five stages in the regulation-making process, namely the planning, drafting, discussion, ratification, and promulgation stages. Currently, the National Education System Bill is still in the planning stage. The Ministry of Education and Culture always ensures that the coordination process with various parties is carried out in accordance with the rules in Law No. 12 of 2011, " he said in Jakarta, Tuesday, May 31.

Anindito said that the government was trying to ensure that the drafting of the National Education System Bill was carried out openly by involving the public.

"Kemendikbudristek will continue to expand public involvement. We truly believe that public involvement is meaningful, not only accommodated but also listened to. We want the draft to be given not only the voice of the government, but also the voice of the public," he said, as reported by Antara.

According to him, Kemendikbudristek is currently still receiving input from experts and stakeholders and conducting cross-ministerial discussions regarding the drafting of the National Education System Bill.

"After this process is complete, the relevant ministers will report at a meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo, including any inputs or concerns or other obstacles. The stages are like this," he added.

Anindito said that the drafting of the National Education System Bill was aimed at ensuring the continuity of the transformation in the education sector carried out by the government in order to create superior and characterized human resources.

The National Education System Bill will integrate three laws, namely Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System, Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, and Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education.

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