
SERANG – The end of the run of BY (22) ends. After 6 months of being wanted by the police, BY was finally arrested. BY is a suspect in the brawl that killed one person on Serang Street, Cilegon, Legok Village, Taktakan, Serang City, on Sunday, October 14, 2021.

BY abused his victim to death instantly with lacerations on the right chest, left fingers, and back.

According to the police, after running for 6 months, suspect BY was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Serang City Police on Wednesday, May 25, in Saya Bulu neighborhood, Serang City.

The Head of Serang City Police, Grand Commissioner Nugroho Arianto, confirmed the arrest.

“BY one of the DPOs (List of Wanted People) related to the 2021 case, the gang-rape which together carried out violence against people resulted in the victim's death. The suspect, BY, is a resident of Ciawi, Serang City," said Grand Commissioner Nugroho Arianto in a written statement, Monday, May 30.

Nugroho said, BY was the result of the development of suspect KI in the same case where previously suspect KI had been arrested by the Serang City Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the case was P21, (complete case file) and was sentenced by the Serang District Court.

“The suspect BY is the DPO Criminal Investigation Unit of Serang City Police, where the suspect KI's friend has P21, this is the result of the development of a motorcycle gang fight where the victim was hacked to death. BY is a DPO and Alhamdulillah yesterday (May 26) he was successfully arrested by the Serang City Police Criminal Investigation Unit," added Nugroho.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Serang City Police, Commissioner Adjutant David Adhi Kusuma, said that perpetrator BY had fled to the Jakarta area after committing a brawl.

“BY is the main suspect who stabbed with a sickle so that the victim died. The motive for the incident was a fight between motorcycle gangs," said David.

The suspect is charged with Article 170 Paragraph (2) Third in conjunction with Article 351 Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code, namely committing violence against people if the violence causes the death of the person and or persecution, with a maximum imprisonment of 12 years.

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