
SEMARANG - The Mayor of Semarang, Central Java, Hendrar Prihadi, asked companies located on the coast to check the condition of the boundary wall to anticipate seawater runoff to the mainland or rob.

"Companies whose seawalls or walls border the sea are asked to check their condition. If the conditions are not good, while the rob is not high, it can be strengthened immediately," he said in Semarang, quoted from Antara, Monday 30 May.

He hopes that the tidal flood like what happened on May 23, 2022 will not be repeated.

According to him, long-term steps have been prepared, namely socialization on reducing ground water use to prevent land subsidence.

The socialization itself, he said, would involve various elements, such as the Semarang City Government, the Central Java Provincial Government, including PDAM as a provider of clean water. "The use of ground water in this community is still very much," he said.

Meanwhile, BMKG predicts tidal flooding will still hit the northern coast of Central Java on May 30 to June 7.

The BMKG Observation and Information Coordinator for the Tanjung Emas Maritime Meteorology Station, Semarang, Ganis Erutjahjo, said that although it was not predicted to be as severe as last week, the potential for tidal flooding still had to be watched out for.

"Because it is still at the closest distance between the earth and the moon, it is feared that it will have an impact on rising sea levels," he said.

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