
JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) invited the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) to join the United Indonesia Coalition initiated by PAN, Golkar, and PPP.

This was conveyed by Zulhas in his speech at the 20th anniversary of PKS at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, today.

"We (PAN), Golkar, and PPP are trying to create a United Indonesia Coalition, yes. I mean, hopefully PKS can work together," said Zulhas, Sunday, May 29.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly said that the purpose of forming the United Indonesia Coalition was based on the experience of candidacy for president in the 2019 General Election, which only gave rise to two pairs of candidates.

Meanwhile, this coalition wants a new axis that can present more than two presidential and vice presidential candidates. This is because, according to Zulhas, the two pairs of candidates create an unproductive atmosphere of democracy and cause polarization in society.

"Our current atmosphere is stuffy and unproductive. Maybe one of the reasons is that yesterday's presidential election only had two pairs. Because there were only two pairs of presidential elections, each supporter desperately defended his candidate and eliminated the other candidates," said Zulhas.

"That is to say, there are not two more candidates for the presidential election tomorrow. If it can be three, thankfully it can be more, to at least reduce what we have experienced recently, the stuffy and unproductive atmosphere," he continued.

It is known that the Golkar Party, PAN and PPP agreed to build a coalition ahead of the 2024 general election after the general chairman of the three parties held a meeting in Menteng, Jakarta on Thursday, May 12, evening.

The United Three Coalition had sparked, the name of the coalition of Golkar, PAN and PPP is now known as the United Indonesia Coalition.

The chairman of the Golkar Party DPP Ace Hasan Syadzily, explained that the United Indonesia Coalition was taken from the combination of the symbols of Golkar, PAN and PPP.

"I want the symbol of Golkar, SuryA (Matahari) the symbol of PAN, and BaiTUllah (Kakbah) the symbol of PPP," said Ace in Jakarta, Friday, May 13.

According to him, with the same political experience the three parties agreed to build a United Indonesia Coalition.

"With their party vision and various political experiences, all of them agreed to unite themselves to build a coalition called the United Indonesia Coalition," said Ace.

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