
TASIKMALAYA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini said the single elderly population in Tasikmalaya Regency is the largest in Indonesia.

"The single elderly that we are helping, he has no family. The most single elderly people in Indonesia are found in Tasikmalaya Regency," said Tri Rismaharini when delivering a speech at the 2022 National Elderly Day (HLUN) at Singaparna Medika Citrautama Hospital, Tasikmalaya, Sunday 29 May.

Based on a report from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), the single elderly population in Tasikmalaya Regency is around 28,000 people spread over 39 sub-districts. Generally they are abandoned by their families.

On that basis, launching Antara, Risma set Tasikmalaya as the location for the commemoration of the National Elderly Day (HLUN) 2022 today.

The theme of the 2022 HLUN commemoration is Healthy Elderly, Strong Indonesia. The theme was raised based on the fact that the elderly population in Indonesia is quite large. Referring to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2021, there are 29.3 million elderly people in Indonesia, equivalent to 10.82 percent of the total population.

As many as 43.29 percent of the elderly come from households with the lowest 40 percent of the expenditure group. This is one of the foundations for the state to give great attention to the elderly.

"I don't want a ceremonial ceremony (HLUN). It's important for the elderly to have cataracts, they don't have money and suddenly become blind," he said.

The Ministry of Social Affairs also cooperates with a number of related parties to hold cataract surgery social activities with the number of registrants reaching around 400 elderly people.

In addition, the repair of uninhabitable houses occupied by the elderly was also carried out with a total of 355 units.

In the 2022 HLUN, Social Minister Risma greeted the elderly in a long-distance video connection in 39 sub-districts of Tasikmalaya Regency. Risma was present in the middle of the event with the local Forkompinda officials.

Then during the activity, services were provided, including health services, cataract surgery, eyeglasses assistance, hearing aids and wheelchairs, as well as assistance for uninhabitable houses.

In this activity, a number of aids were also distributed, including PKH Social Assistance and BPNT / Basic Food Cards, Posyandu Services, Renovation of Single Elderly Houses Uninhabitable and Free Cataract Surgery.

To ensure that the assistance is right on target, the Ministry of Social Affairs together with related parties conducts an assessment and verification of data to 28,950 elderly people in Tasikmalaya which will later be classified according to their respective needs. The assessment and data verification will be carried out on 17-28 May 2022.

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