
JAKARTA - TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa conveyed that diplomatic relations in the field of defense and security with the State of Bangladesh must continue to develop.

"Good diplomatic relations with the Republic of Bangladesh must continue to develop, especially in the fields of defense and security of the two countries," said TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa on his official YouTube channel quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 28.

General TNI Andika Perkasa conveyed this when receiving a courtesy call from the Bangladesh Ambassador to Indonesia.

During the meeting, TNI General Andika discussed various cooperations that have been running between Indonesia and Bangladesh.

"I think we also have activities coming up in the next few months about exercises organized by Indonesia and the United States for drills of a kind of peacekeeping operation here in Indonesia and I'm sure the Bangladesh delegation can also participate," he said.

The Bangladesh Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammad Mostafizur Rahman expressed his appreciation because his arrival was received by TNI General Andika Perkasa.

"Thank you for your time, this is a good thing for diplomatic cooperation relations that have been started since 1972," he said.

Since then, said Mohammad, diplomatic relations between the two countries began to run, became very strong, and continued to develop day by day.

"In 2021 we had the Four in Office Concentration, it was a meeting of two ministers at the foreign ministry level and there we found various ideas for cooperation that had been agreed upon, mostly such as defense and counter-terrorism," he said.

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