
JAKARTA - The police arrested ESS (40) a father who had the heart to abuse his own biological child in the Tanjung Duren area, West Jakarta.

"We arrested him yesterday at dawn. Now we are being investigated," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Tanjung Duren Police, AKP Tri Baskoro Bintang when confirmed in Jakarta, Saturday, May 28, quoted from Antara.

Bintang said the perpetrator was arrested at a relative's house which is located in Tegal. The police are still trying to find out whether this ESS went to Tegal to avoid being chased by the police or not.

Bintang was not able to explain in detail regarding the arrest process and the results of the current investigation by investigators. Until now, ESS is still languishing in the Tanjung Duren Police cell.

Previously, ESS was known to abuse her two children, aged 16 and 14. The two victims also made a report to the Tanjung Duren Police on Monday (23/5).

"We are directed to make a report," he explained.

Prior to the incident, the police had already mediated the family. Mediation was carried out because the perpetrator was involved in an argument with his wife.

After the mediation was over, the perpetrator abused his two children.

"So the issue of child abuse has not yet reached the ears of Binmas, that's why we visited today," explained Bintang.

Bintang is not sure what caused ESS to have a fight with his wife and has the heart to abuse his two children.

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