
BANJARMASIN - The police confirmed that truck drivers entering the Banjarmasin area must comply with the rules of operating hours. This provision is stated in the Banjarmasin Mayor's Regulation (Perwal) Number 08 of 2022.

Head of Traffic Police for Banjarmasin Kompol M. Noor Chaidir said the time limit was set to maintain traffic order and security for other road users.

"This regulation has only been ratified this year, replacing the previous rule. So, please obey all truck drivers or goods transporters," said M. Noor in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel), quoted from Antara, Friday, May 27.

In Perwal No. 08 of 2022 it is stated that open and closed cargo vehicles including 20-foot containers are prohibited from crossing Banjarmasin City from 06.00 to 09.00 WITA and 16.00 to 20.00 WITA.

Meanwhile, transportation of 40-foot containers, trailers, and vehicles carrying heavy equipment and vehicles with a load exceeding 12,000 millimeters are prohibited from crossing from 06.00 to 21.00 WITA.

However, this rule does not apply to trucks transporting fuel oil (BBM) and LPG belonging to Pertamina, which are still allowed to pass throughout the day.

Although it is still in the socialization stage, Chairir invites truck drivers to obey it from now on so that in time, the number of violations can be reduced.

Then on the other hand, the Banjarmasin Police and the Transportation Service are also intensifying the control of over-dimension over-load (ODOL) vehicles because their presence on the highway is disturbing to road users.

Chaidir admitted that he had ordered members in the field to take firm action against those violating the regulation.

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