
JAKARTA - The National Police are preparing steps to prevent traffic jams on toll roads and tourist routes on the Ascension of the Messiah holiday, today (Thursday 26 May). One of them is the implementation of contra-flow on toll roads.

The Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Pol. Ahmad Ramadhan said there were at least five strategies or steps taken to anticipate traffic congestion. "For toll roads, if there is congestion, contra-flow will apply, especially at KM 47 to 62,500 Jakarta-Cikampek toll road," Ramadhan said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 26.

It is estimated that some residents will take leave on Friday, May 27 to go out of town, resulting in an increase in the volume of motorized vehicles on conventional roads and toll roads. The implementation of this contra-flow, said Ramadhan, is situational considering the conditions on the ground, if the volume of vehicles on the toll road is more than 3,000 vehicles, then traffic engineering is applied.

The next step, specifically on the Puncak tourist route, Bogor Regency, applies a one-way and odd-even system in the morning and afternoon. "This one-way and odd-even system is also situational, in the morning for vehicles going up to Puncak, and in the afternoon for vehicles returning to Jakarta," he said.

Then, members of the National Police, especially the Regional Police in the area, lowered personnel at tourist attraction locations with the task of unraveling traffic flow and providing security. "The fourth step is to increase integrated patrols in crowded locations," said the former Head of the National Police Public Relations Division.

Fifth, anticipate contingency events such as natural disasters and traffic accidents. "This contingency measure was carried out together with the SAR Team," said Ramadhan.

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