
JAKARTA - The Jakarta Formula E racing event which will be held at the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit (JIEC), Ancol, North Jakarta, which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 4, is still being prepared. A total of 15 trucks containing parts of Formula E racing cars have arrived in Jakarta.

The Formula E car was temporarily placed at JIS for Customs and Excise inspection, before opening it in Ancol on 27 May.

"This is to be placed and checked by the custom. After all, we will unbox it on the 27th, estimated at Ancol," said Head of the Jakarta Formula E Executive Committee, Ahmad Sahroni, in a statement, Thursday, May 26.

Sahroni said that 22 units of Formula E had arrived in Jakarta out of shape to complete. The reason is to save space.

"So it's not a whole (car) so it's split, the body itself, the tires themselves, because if the whole shape is full, it will be difficult, so it's split up," he said.

He claimed that the car assembly process did not take a long time, because it was not the first time the Formula E team had done it.

Previously, it was reported that the Head of the Jakarta Formula E Executive Committee, Ahmad Sahroni, said that the Formula E race car parade inside the National Monument (Monas) area was canceled.

Sahroni said that the cancellation of the planned parade for electric-powered racing cars was hampered by the rules of Formula E Operation (FEO) which prohibits cars from being carried out in convoys.

"That's right, it's canceled, because the rules for Formula cars don't allow it, because it's technically related to the vehicle," said Sahroni when confirmed, Wednesday, May 25.

Sahroni said the plan to show off the Formula E racer's car to the public was also canceled. The organizing committee only held a private photo session with the racers at Monas.

"We will only hold a photo session with the racers at Monas on June 2. Since we cannot enter for the public, only the committee and the founder of FEO can enter," said Sahroni.

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