
TEMANGGUNG - The price of cattle in Temanggung Regency, Central Java, has fallen due to the impact of Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) which has recently spread.

A cattle trader at the Ngaren Animal Market, Ngadirejo District, Andi Yulianto said, currently the average price of cattle has fallen by Rp. 1 million per head.

"Medium-sized cattle, which are usually sold for Rp. 21 million to Rp. 23 million per head, are now decreasing on average by Rp. 1 million per head," he said in Temanggung, Antara, Wednesday, May 25.

There are even a number of animal markets outside Temanggung which are closed so that traders from the area do not come. The market was quiet.

"There are several markets in other areas that are closed, so there are no traders who bring cows to bid. Usually traders from Grabag and Muntilan often sell here. Because the animal market in the Magelang area is temporarily closed, they don't come and as a result the market is quiet," he said.

In fact, according to him, usually before Eid as there are currently many buyers.

"Usually, after Eid al-Fitr until Eid al-Fitr, the animal market here is always busy, many visitors and traders come from other areas, but with this PMK the turnover of traders has decreased somewhat because they rarely buy livestock," he said.

Meanwhile, officers from the Temanggung Animal Health Center continue to monitor the health of livestock entering the Ngaran Animal Market.

"Our job is to monitor the health of livestock arriving at the Ngaren Animal Market related to the PMK case that occurred in Indonesia," said drh Muhkholid Ahsani from the Temanggung Animal Health Center.

He said that during the monitoring and inspection of animals at the Ngaren Animal Market, there were no indications of FMD.

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