
JAKARTA - DPD member Agustin Teras Narang asked the regional government in Central Kalimantan to start preparing digitally literate state civil servants (ASN).

Teras said that the preparation of the ASN was an effort to face the era of digital governance, which will soon be implemented throughout Indonesia.

"Another positive impact on the preparation is that the work and public services provided by the government in Central Kalimantan become more professional, more advanced and better," he said when contacted, Wednesday, May 25.

The senator from Central Kalimantan confirmed that the DPD is currently preparing a proposal for the Digital Bill. The proposal was welcomed by various DPD partners, both in ministries and state institutions. Even the partners expect the title of the bill to further strengthen the national digital ecosystem.

Teras said that the proposal from the DPD RI and received a response from the ministry and state institutions was a sign that in the future technology will make the government more digitalized.

"So, from now on, Central Kalimantan needs to carry out various preparations and efforts to raise awareness regarding digital," said the Governor of Central Kalimantan for the 2005-2015 period.

The encouragement to prepare digitally talented ASN was also conveyed by Teras when giving Sekapur Sirih a handful of seeds at the Huma Betang Halalbihalal event, in commemoration of the 65th Birthday of Central Kalimantan Province.

He said that the four words were also proposed as a vision for Central Kalimantan to move forward together. The four words are, Compact, Visible, Impactful and Simultaneously. Where, Kompak is interpreted as, unity and synergy of work can be carried out by the government from the central, provincial, district/city, sub-district/village to RT/RW, and family levels.

Then, Tampak is interpreted as, must be seen by the community through development that continues to be promoted in various fields. Impact is interpreted as a synergy and the development work carried out can improve the welfare of the community. Simultaneously is interpreted as a directed and structured march of steps.

"So, this compact, visible, impactful and simultaneous effort must be carried out with the spirit of huma betang," said Teras Narang.

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