
CENTRAL LOMBOK - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) said that from a total quota of 331 prospective pilgrims for 2022 Hajj in Central Lombok Regency, six people were confirmed to have canceled leaving for the Holy Land of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

The Head of Hajj and Umrah Management at the Ministry of Religion, Central Lombok, L Asy'ari, said that the cause of the six hajj candidates who canceled their departure was because they did not pay the cost of organizing the pilgrimage (BPIH).

"Two people died and four people did not pay off, because they wanted to go together with their families the following year," said the Head of Hajj and Umrah Management at the Central Lombok Ministry of Religion, L Asy'ari in Praya, Wednesday.

As for the replacement of prospective pilgrims who do not pay off the BPIH, his party is still waiting for a determination from the central government through the Ministry of Religion of West Nusa Tenggara Province.

"Our successor is still waiting for the central government's decision," he said.

He explained that the Saudi Arabian government is currently still limiting the implementation of the hajj pilgrimage, so that the quota given is less when compared to the quota for hajj which has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is 748 people in 2019.

In addition, prospective pilgrims over the age of 65 are not allowed to perform the pilgrimage this year.

"Those who don't depart this year from the 2019 hajj quota will reach hundreds," he said.

In addition to carrying out administrative preparations for the departure of prospective pilgrims, the party is also currently conducting Hajj rituals for prospective pilgrims who will carry out the pilgrimage. This pilgrimage ritual aims to provide an understanding of the basics of the pilgrimage.

"Manasik is important for prospective pilgrims as their guide later in carrying out their worship in Mecca," he said.

He also hopes that the 331 prospective pilgrims from Central Lombok who are ready to depart in the 2022 hajj season will maintain their health and stay focused on matters of worship.

"Prospective pilgrims must physically prepare to perform worship. Of course, health really supports excellent physical condition," he concluded.

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