
YOGYAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that the entire Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) will experience a dry season simultaneously in early June 2022.

"Early June the entire DIY region has entered the dry season. For DIY the southern part has entered the dry season, but the central to northern parts are still transitioning," said Head of Sleman Climatology Station, Reni Kraningtyas, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

Reni said that the peak of the dry season in DIY is predicted to occur from July to August 2022.

"There will be less rain in June compared to May. Although there will still be rain in July, it tends to decrease compared to June," he said.

According to him, the dry season in DIY will be wet, so that it is still possible for rain to fall.

This condition, he said, was triggered by an anomaly in the sea surface temperature in the Indian Ocean south of Java with a temperature anomaly of 0.5 degrees Celsius to 1.0 degrees Celsius.

"The sea surface temperature is still very warm, so the potential for the formation of rain clouds is still there," he said.

In addition, based on monitoring of global climate anomalies in two oceans, namely the Equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, it shows indications of the emergence of climate anomalies in the form of moderate La Nina.

However, the moderate or moderate La Nina, he said, will gradually weaken until September 2022, so there is still a chance for meteorological drought to occur.

"In June, we predict that La Nina will gradually weaken, meaning that rainfall will continue to decrease," he added.

Therefore, Reni asked the community to start preparing for the dry season which is above normal.

He appealed to farmers in DIY to start preparing cropping patterns according to these conditions so as not to experience crop failure. "Because the monthly rainfall is below 200 millimeters, farmers are more suitable to plant secondary crops," he said.

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