
JAKARTA - Russia did not meet deadlines when conducting special military operations in Ukraine, because Nazism had to be completely eradicated. If not, it will raise its head again, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolay Patrushev told the weekly Argumenty i Fakty.

"We're not chasing any deadlines," Patrushev said in the interview, asked to comment on people's concerns about the protracted nature of the operation.

"Nazism must be 100 percent eradicated, or it will reappear in a few years, and it will take an even worse form," Patrushev said.

"Denazification means a whole series of actions," he said referring to the 1945 Potsdam Conference, when the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States agreed to eradicate German militarism and Nazism.

"In addition to punishing Nazi criminals, the allies overturned the Third Reich law, which legalized discrimination against people based on race, ethnicity, language, religion and political opinion," Patrushev said, adding that Nazi doctrine had also been removed from the school curriculum.

According to him, people in the West will not "take off their rose-colored glasses" until Ukrainian thugs start rampaging their way through their streets, he quipped, commenting on Western doubts about the Nazis' presence in Ukraine.

"In liberating Ukraine from Nazism today, our country is pursuing the same goals as in 1945. This time Britain and the US "supported Nazism, acted aggressively in relation to most countries," he stressed.

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