
JAKARTA - Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Komjen Boy Rafli Amar held a public lecture on preventing acts of terrorism and radicalism at Bung Karno University, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, May 24.

From the results of a search by the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), it was found that there were allegations of terrorism radicalism groups on a number of campuses in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the group comes from teaching staff to students.

"So those who have been identified as parties involved (radical terrorism groups) have various backgrounds, including those from the campus who have educational backgrounds and have been students. We have the data," Boy told VOI in Menteng, Central Jakarta. , Tuesday, May 24.

However, Boy has not detailed the number and which campuses have been exposed to terrorism and radicalism. Boy said that his party managed to uncover this through the collaboration of BNPT with campus agencies.

"Usually the campuses that we identify are based on our collaboration with the academic community, including the chancellor. But what is clear is the result of our constructive communication with several campuses," he said.

As a form of anticipation, Boy said, his party collaborated with several related campuses, one of which was Bung Karno University.

Boy said that the academic community, which is dominated by students, is a group vulnerable to radical terrorism.

"We see that the campus which is dominated by students is a vulnerable group that we need to remind. Our task is BNPT to remind all parties, build understanding, togetherness, against the ideology of terrorism," he said.

Boy hopes that this collaboration will improve the resilience of the campus community against radical understanding of terrorism.

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