JAKARTA - The move by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) to summon the British Ambassador to Indonesia regarding the raising of the LGBT flag has received appreciation. This step is considered appropriate.
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' action is the right action as a step that applies in diplomatic manners," said UI Professor of International Law Hikmahanto Juwana in a statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned the British Ambassador to Indonesia to clarify the aftermath of the raising of the LGBT flag at the British Embassy, he said.
On this occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not only heard the clarification conveyed but also warned the British Ambassador to respect the values of the recipient country.
"It is the hope of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a representative of the Indonesian state that in the coming years the British Embassy will not repeat the raising of the LGBT flag," he said. After the summons by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it would be wiser if the British Ambassador publicly apologized to the Indonesian people, according to him.
The goal is that relations between Indonesia and Britain can return to normal after the raising of the LGBT flag in the eyes of the Indonesian people, he said.
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