
JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan hopes that there will be more than two pairs of candidates for president and vice president in the 2024 election so that people's votes can be evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, following the formation of the United Indonesia coalition initiated by Golkar, PAN and PPP.

"If possible, the name is also a business. Moreover, we are party number eight. However, we are trying not to make the presidential election two (paslon) again, if possible three or four. Three is better," said Zulkifli while attending the halalbihalal of the PAN extended family in Makassar , South Sulawesi, Friday 21 May.

At the time of the 2019 presidential election, his party had struggled for the terms of the nomination threshold. However, at that time PPP was still in coalition with PAN. However, later it changed so that it lost and the conditions remained 20 percent.

"Therefore, we tried it because it was 20 percent in order to avoid two (paslon). Later we will try and precede it so that there are three. Now, if there are three, it will be fun," he said, quoted by Antara.

Nevertheless, reflecting on the experience of the 2019 presidential election when PAN took part in carrying Prabowo Subianto with the pair Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (Prabowo-Sandi). However, he lost because several major powers supported his rival, Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin.

"In the presidential election, Pak Prabowo rationally loses. Why? Pak Prabowo the media does not support, the two logistics entrepreneurs do not support, the three operations do not support, the fourth has a history, and the fifth candidate loses many times, so he does not win," said Zulhas .

On the other hand, his rival, Joko Widodo, has many supporters, from businessmen, media, to several other supporters. Although on a national basis Jokowi won, in some areas Prabowo also won but did not come out as the winner.

In order not to repeat the same mistake, in the 2024 presidential election, his party immediately responded to the offer of political parties to become part of the United Indonesia coalition because in every election political parties have power politics.

"It was conveyed to all administrators, we initiated the United Indonesia Coalition. What is it for? Because we have two presidential elections, we have divided up to hamlets and villages. We hope that the presidential election will come, if possible there are three candidates. ," he said.

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