
JAKARTA - The PDI-P faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD does not prohibit members from buying tickets and watching the Formula E electric car race live on June 4, 2022. Chairman of the PDI-P faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gembong Warsono, said that the decision to watch Formula E is a personal right so that the faction has no authority over "When it comes to watching, it's a personal right. We can't instruct and can't prohibit let alone impose sanctions," said Gembong in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 20. Gembong admitted that he prefers to watch the electric car racing through television broadcasts for certain reasons. "I only watch on television, watching on television is much more detailed because there are many camera spots too. That's it, you can drink coffee at home," he said. . So far, there has been no deeper discussion among the PDI-P faction regarding the plan to watch Formula E live.

Although the PDIP faction and the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) are parties that support the Formula E interpellation, they have never rejected the existence of the racing event. The right of interpellation was proposed to ask for clarification from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) regarding the transparency of the tournament budget. that Jakarta.

Gembong also said that his party is not anti-Formula E tournament which is claimed to bring in foreign and domestic tourists, it can even boost the Jakarta economy, especially MSME players. regional financial management," he said.

His party is not anti-Formula E, but what has been criticized so far has always been the management of the budget allocation from the APBD for Formula E. "That's all there is to it," he said.

Tickets sold out

People who want to buy VIP class tickets in the Formula E electric car racing event can't anymore, because they have been sold out completely. Gunung said the 1,050 VIP class tickets were further divided into three points located near the Formula E circuit, namely at Ombak Laut, Segarra and Jimbaran. The VIP ticket price for the Ombak Laut Suite class is priced at Rp. 2 million. Meanwhile, the Segarra Suite and Jimbaran Suite are priced at Rp. 3 million. "For VIP and VVIP there is no seat number. But he knows his position, for Sea Waves, he stays at Sea Waves. The Royal and Deluxe ones are like that," he said.

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