
JAKARTA - Special Staff of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Faldo Maldini, assessed that public satisfaction with President Jokowi's performance was supported by the management of going home that had been prepared by the central and regional governments.

"The implementation of the last homecoming was very challenging, for two years we were limited in mobility. Various preparations involving the central government from various sectors to regions have shown the expected results and everything has worked well," Faldo said in Jakarta, Friday, May 20, quoted from Antara.

On Wednesday (18/5), Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) released the level of public satisfaction with President Jokowi's performance reaching 76.7 percent.

Public satisfaction with Jokowi's performance has increased. In the last month, satisfaction with President Jokowi's performance rose from 65.5 percent in the 12-15 April 2022 survey to 76.7 percent in the last survey 10-12 May 2022.

SMRC Executive Director Sirojudin Abbas stated that residents who expressed satisfaction with the government's performance in controlling the pandemic and organizing the 2022 Eid homecoming tend to have the same attitude towards President Jokowi's performance.

"We appreciate the community who can work together to keep everything conducive. The President always does his best in carrying out his duties, it is considered satisfactory, of course, it becomes a motivation for the better for all ranks," said Faldo.

According to Faldo, the implementation of the next homecoming will certainly have greater expectations than today's satisfaction.

"All the lessons learned from organizing this homecoming will make us even better," added Faldo.

The SMRC survey was conducted on 10-12 May 2022. This survey involved 1,245 respondents. The sample was selected using the random digit dialing (RDD) method with telephone interviews. The "margin of error" is estimated at ±2.9 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.

Respondents were also asked about their satisfaction with the president's performance in controlling the COVID pandemic. SMRC noted that 74.6 percent of residents voted satisfied with President Jokowi's work in dealing with the outbreak.

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