
PRAYA - The Puma Polres team in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) arrested a group of thefts that took place in Montong Praje Bat Hamlet, Pengjek Village, Jonggat District on Sunday, May 15 at 02.30 WITA.

"The identities of the perpetrators have the initials M alias AK, AY alias Y, and N, who are residents of Central Lombok," said Central Lombok Police Chief AKBP Hery Indra Cahyono in his written statement in Praya, reported by Antara, Friday, May 20.

The robbery case that happened to the victim on behalf of Haji Robi Ahmad (45) from the hamlet of Montong Praje Bat, Pengjek Village, Jonggat District began when he was sleeping. The perpetrators then entered the house by damaging the front door, then woke up and held the victim at gunpoint with a machete.

"The perpetrator entered by destroying the door of the victim's house," he said.

After the perpetrators managed to enter, they immediately took the victim's belongings in the form of three cellphones with the Redmi 9A, Samsung, XIOMI brands, a ceramic cutter circle, three gold earrings, one Jupiter MX motorcycle BPKB.

"The victim's loss is estimated at Rp. 7 million. The victim reported this incident to the Jonggat Police," he said.

With the report from the victim, members carried out an investigation and based on the results of the crime scene as well as the examination of witnesses, three identities of the perpetrators with the initials M alias AK, AY alias Y, and N were obtained. Furthermore, the Puma Team of the Central Lombok Police moved quickly to arrest the perpetrators, after receiving information from the public about the whereabouts of the perpetrators at M alias AK's house in Tunjang Hamlet, Pagutan Village, Batukliang District.

"The team immediately arrested the perpetrators without any resistance and carried out initial interrogation and found evidence in the form of a cellphone held by perpetrator N. The perpetrators were immediately taken to the Jonggat Sector Police for further legal proceedings," he said.

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