
KENDARI - The Kendari City Government (Pemkot) has formed a family assistance team spread across 65 sub-districts in 11 sub-districts in the area to continue to optimize efforts to prevent stunting in children.

The head of the Kendari City Dalduk and Family Planning Agency, Jahuddin, said that one of the efforts made apart from forming a team, the City Government was also running the Healthy Kitchen Overcome Stunting (Dashat) program.

"The formation of this team is a form of the Kendari City Government's commitment to preventing stunting children and at the same time supporting the national action plan for the Acceleration of Reducing Stunting Rates in Indonesia (RAN-PASTI)," said Jahuddin in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), Friday, May 20.

He said each member of the team had duties including mentoring, counseling and medical examinations for three months pre-wedding for each prospective bride and groom in their respective areas.

"The assistance since the three months of pre-nuptials is for the prospective couple to be ready to have a healthy pregnancy later after marriage, by providing an understanding of what the ideal weight is for pregnancy, adequate nutritional intake and the like," he said.

Where, they carry out these tasks under the coordination of the Kendari City Family Planning Population Control Service, the Health Office, also in collaboration with officials at the sub-district, kelurahan and the local Religious Affairs Office (KUA).

Meanwhile, the Head of the Kendari City Bappeda, Ridwansyah Taridala, said that the Kendari City Government focused on dealing with stunting in the city by carrying out eight integration actions.

"From these 8 actions we have carried out several, stunting consultations, yesterday we had ansit (situation analysis), set loci, until stunting consultations, God willing, in the future we will do this action together because we cannot walk alone," he said. Ridwansyah Taridala.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi BKKBN, Asmar, appreciated the steps taken by the Kendari City Government in an effort to reduce the stunting rate in the city.

"Kendari City has an area in Southeast Sulawesi with the second lowest stunting case after East Kolaka out of 17 urban districts in Southeast Sulawesi," he said.

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