
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has established a number of collaborations in the transportation sector with other countries while in Europe for the past few days.

In response to this, Member of Commission B for the Economy of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gilbert Simanjuntak, emphasized that the cooperation signed by Anies must not use the DKI Regional Budget.

"Foreign cooperation that has been reported in connection with Governor Anies' visit abroad is currently not allowed to involve the regional budget," Gilbert said in his statement, Thursday, May 19.

Gilbert stated that Anies' cooperation in Europe was carried out without the knowledge of the DKI DPRD. When working together without the approval of the DPRD, Gilbert emphasized that no APBD should be used.

This is in accordance with Perppu 2 of 2014 paragraph 101 which mandates that the agreement may only be between BUMD and other parties and may not ask for local capital participation (PMD) in its financing because it is not approved by the DPRD. . Where, at that time, Anies signed Jakarta to host Formula E in 2018 without prior approval from the DPRD.

"The incident in the signing of Formula E in 2018 that used the APBD without prior approval from the DPRD is an illegal agreement, because it violates the law," said Gilbert.

"The Formula E program, which will clearly lose more than IDR 500 billion and use the APBD, is a bad masterpiece, Governor Anies. The carelessness in using the APBD haphazardly and overshadowed the demands in international arbitration in Singapore," he continued.

For information, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan toured three European countries, namely London (England), Berlin (Germany), and Paris (France) for eight days starting on Tuesday, May 10 evening.

Anies went to Europe to follow up on a number of collaborations, including the MoU between PT Transport Jakarta and Switch Mobility, data management and research collaboration with Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) to support the plan to operate electric-powered vehicles as a whole by 2030, and the MoU between PT MRT Jakarta with International Crossrail.

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