
JAKARTA - The United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) initiated by the Golkar Party, PAN, and PPP has opened the door wide for political parties who want to join. It is predicted that PKS and Democrats will be close to the coalition declared by Airlangga Hartarto, Zulkifli Hasan, and Suharso Monoarfa.

Meanwhile, PKB had given a signal that it would form a new coalition. Meanwhile, Gerindra has signaled intimacy with PDIP, and the banteng party is confident enough to walk into the five-year democracy party without the need to form a coalition with any political party.

Does it seem that Gerindra and PDIP will be rivals for this coalition in the upcoming 2024 election?

The spokesman and deputy general chairman of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, positively welcomed the formation of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB), which was initiated by the Golkar Party, PAN, and PPP. According to him, this political move is a democratic right.

"Whatever they do is a state right, a democratic right. If it's good for national issues, then it's their independence," said Habiburokhman at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 17.

Habiburokhman said the Gerindra Party is also building communication with all political parties. Although he said, in the near future this will not be declared.

"We have established good communication, including with the parties that have made the declaration, namely PAN, PPP, and Golkar. We have established good communication with the figures. Who knows if there is a match, we will meet in 2024," he said.

It's just that about Gerindra's invitation to join KIB, Habiburokhman did not explain clearly. According to him, every political party must conduct an assessment to match the coalition's vision and mission.

"It's called an assessment, we all invite each other and are invited to each other, only later we find the right match or not. In politics, it's more or less the same as dating people can get to a good marriage, if not, our relationship will still be good," he explained.

"In essence, the parties, especially those in parliament, have a clear vision of nationality. So there is no party whose vision is not good," continued Habiburokhman.

However, the member of Commission III of the DPR admitted that the communication between Gerindra and PDIP had been good. As the relationship between Gerindra chairman Prabowo Subianto and PDIP chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri became increasingly intimate.

"I think our communication with the PDIP is good. We'll see how it develops," said Habiburokhman. Habiburokhman again emphasized that there will be no coalition declaration in the near future. "It seems that in the near future we have no declaration, but good communication continues to be built," he explained. Meanwhile, PDIP seems reluctant to join the United Indonesia Coalition initiated by Golkar, PAN, and PPP for the 2024 General Election.

PDIP politician Junimart Girsang said that the Banteng party could now nominate a presidential and vice-presidential candidate without the need for a coalition.

"The PDI-P does not need to announce a coalition, the PDI-P can carry it out, that's all we understand," said Junimart at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 17.

In fact, said Junimart, PDIP is the only political party that gets a 20 percent presidential threshold.

"For the record, the only party that can carry the president is PDIP without a coalition," he explained. Even so, the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR said that the decision of the PDIP coalition was entirely in the hands of the General Chair, Megawati Soekarnoputri. All cadres, said Junimart, must be ready to go straight to the party's decision.

"So, the coalition's business is not our business, we just follow it upright," he said.

Regarding readiness for the 2024 General Election, Junimart said PDIP was fully prepared.

"PDIP is a party that is really ready for a democratic party, if there is a coalition problem, it will be the authority of the General Chairwoman," he said.

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