
MAGETAN - A total of 25 cows in Magetan Regency, East Java were tested positive for mouth and nail disease (FMD) after being examined by the local Livestock and Fisheries Service (Disnakkan) officers.

Head of the Livestock and Fisheries Service (Disnakkan) Magetan Nur Haryani said the 25 cows that were tested positive for PMK were findings from the inspection from 12 to 16 May 2022.

"As of May 15, 2022, Magetan Regency was declared positive for PMK. On May 15, 24 cows were recorded as positive, then yesterday an additional 1 tested positive for PMK," said Nur Haryani in Magetan, Tuesday, May 17.

Meanwhile, the 25 cattle infected with FMD were found in Sugihrejo Village, Kawedanan District and Turi Village, Panekan District.

According to him, the detection of dozens of cows infected with PMK was initiated by residents' reports. Officers received reports that dozens of cattle were experiencing flu-like symptoms and convulsions, and even some of them had loose hooves.

Receiving the report, then the Disnakkan officer took samples from the inspection of the dozens of livestock. The samples were then sent to the Wates Veterinary Center (BBVet), Yogyakarta. The facility belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture later confirmed on Saturday (14/5) night that 25 samples were sent positive for FMD.

Nur explained that livestock infected with FMD must infect other livestock in the same cage. Therefore, the infected cows are kept isolated for 14 days. In addition, to prevent the spread of PMK, his party isolated two sub-districts of the PMK outbreak area.

The Livestock and Fisheries Service of Magetan Regency has also formed a task force to provide education to farmers regarding the spread of FMD which is economically detrimental.

"The two sub-districts where there are findings of positive PMK cows, we are locked down. This means that the cows in the two sub-districts are temporarily not allowed to leave the area," he said.

Data from the Livestock and Fisheries Service of Magetan Regency noted that the cattle population in the local area reached 118,000 heads, while for goats and sheep it was around 100,000 heads. Some of the livestock were imported from outside the Magetan area.

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