
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has given permission to perform congregational prayers in mosques and prayer rooms without wearing masks for worshipers who are in good health, in line with the easing of health protocols again decided by the government.

"The government has taken a new decision to relax the policy on wearing masks," said MUI Fatwa Chair Asrorun Niam in a written statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

However, Asronun said, all Muslims are advised to continue to adjust to wearing masks after attending prayers in certain spaces that are public facilities in order to reduce the potential for COVID-19 transmission.

In addition to adapting to reduce the potential for virus transmission, mosques and prayer rooms that previously folded carpets to hold congregational prayers, he hopes, can roll out carpets and prayer mats again to provide comfort and solemnity in worship.

Although health protocols continue to be relaxed in accordance with the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, Asrorun asked all parties to continue to be vigilant and remain disciplined in implementing health protocols so that they can live safely and comfortably.

These health protocols can be continued through the use of masks in public places, diligently washing hands with soap and under running water and maintaining distance and away from crowds.

"If there are indications of being unwell, you should rest and check yourself so that you can get treatment quickly. Prevention is better as a form of effort to continue to suppress the slightest potential for circulation. Because we see that the epidemic has not completely disappeared, as was the case in Korea recently," Asrorun said.

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