
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said prospective pilgrims from Indonesia who departed for Mecca in 2022 must meet the requirements of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Yaqut said that the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine is up to a maximum age of 65 years. He emphasized that the Hajj system in Saudi Arabia would refuse if these conditions were not met by prospective pilgrims.

He added that the government had discussed preparations for the 2022 Hajj pilgrimage in a Limited Meeting (Ratas) with the President at the Bogor Presidential Palace, Tuesday, May 17.

"We have prepared a scheme from A to Z, including the required health protocol scheme, such as at least a complete vaccine, two vaccines, and that must be fulfilled by pilgrims," Yaqut said when giving a press statement, witnessed via the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account, Tuesday, May 17.

Yaqut explained that his party continues to strive so that all pilgrims who go to the Holy Land have completed at least two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition to the mandatory full dose of vaccine, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also provides an age limit, namely only pilgrims under 65 years of age who are departed. Hajj pilgrims who meet the requirements, namely a maximum age of 65 years and zero months as of June 30, 2022.

"We, the government, are firm in implementing this (rule), because otherwise, if they are more than 65 years old, their system will reject it," he said.

The Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization (PHU) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) released a list of names of prospective regular pilgrims who are entitled to depart.

The list of names of prospective pilgrims can be accessed through the page. Pilgrims can carry out the confirmation process from 9-20 May 2022.

Saudi Arabia has set the quota for Indonesia's Hajj in 2022 to only 100.051 people. The number consists of 92.825 quotas for regular pilgrims, 7.226 quotas for special pilgrims, and 1.901 quota for officers.

Everything is reduced from the normal quota so there are pilgrims who have paid off in 2020 but have not been able to leave in 2022.

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