
SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government sent a medical team to assist the victims of the bus accident on the Surabaya-Mojokerto (Sumo) Toll Road who are currently being treated at several hospitals in Mojokerto City, East Java.

"The medical personnel sent are expected to be able to assist in making follow-up decisions regarding the condition of the accident victims," said Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi while visiting accident victims at a number of hospitals in Mojokerto City, Monday, May 16.

According to Eri Cahyadi, the Surabaya City Government plans to transfer patients for intensive care to Dr Soewandhie Hospital and Bhakti Dharma Husada Hospital (BDH) Surabaya City.

"If possible, we want to carry out treatment in the city of Surabaya to help the victim's family to calm down and restore the victim's and family's psyche," he said.

In addition to these two reasons, Mayor Eri Cahyadi conveyed the plan to transfer the patient to make it easier for the Surabaya City Government to control the victim's condition.

Therefore, he continued, the Director of RSUD Dr. Soewandhie and RSUD Bhakti Dharma Husada (BDH) was expected to be able to make the best decision together with the directors of the hospitals who handled the accident victims. "God willing, Jasa Raharja and Plt BPBD Surabaya will also be accompanied for coordination," he said.

Eri did not deny that he had to look at the medical records of the victims first, whether he could transfer treatment to the city of Surabaya or have to undergo further treatment at a number of hospitals in Mojokerto and Gresik.

Because, he said, many of the victims' families hoped to be able to bring them back to the city of Surabaya for further treatment.

"So, we don't want any victims who need intensive care to be transferred. Therefore, we coordinate first with the hospital and Jasa Raharja, how to follow up the treatment," he said.

For the results of further coordination, Mayor Eri left the decision entirely to the medical personnel, whether it is possible to transfer the accident victims to the city of Surabaya or continue to undergo treatment at a number of hospitals in Mojokerto and Gresik.

"Later, only the doctors will convey the results of their decisions so that we can take further action or steps regarding the best treatment for the victims," he said.

Ardiansyah Bus Nopol S 7322 UW carrying 25 people from Yogyakarta to Surabaya suddenly crashed into the variable message sign (VMS) pole at KM 712,400A Sumo Toll Road on Monday morning.

The victims of the bus accident were evacuated to a number of different hospitals to speed up the treatment process. There are several hospitals that treat survivors and those who died, such as Citra Medika Hospital, Emma Hospital, Wahidin Mojokerto Hospital, and RA Basoeni Hospital.

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