
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) responded to the kidnapping cases of 12 boys in Bogor and South Jakarta. He asked for strict laws against the perpetrators.

"I hope that the law is firm against the perpetrators, especially those who are recidivist. Children must be able to feel safe when in the community, schools, playrooms, anywhere in all public spaces," said Deputy for Child Special Protection at the Ministry of PPPA, Nahar in his statement. , Sunday, May 15.

Reflecting on the kidnapping case, Nahar hopes that parents and the manager of the playroom will increase their supervision of children. This is done to prevent child abduction.

"For parents, the manager of the children's playroom, the manager of the residential environment can provide assistance and supervision to children who carry out activities outside the home, whether playing, recreation or sports," he said.

"Children are also asked not to play alone in a quiet place, especially without parental supervision. In addition, children need to be equipped with information so they are not easily influenced by the persuasion of unknown people," he continued.

On the other hand, KemenPPPA appreciates the performance of the Bogor Police and South Jakarta Metro Police who arrested the perpetrator, ARA in the Senayan area, Jakarta.

Nahar emphasized that there must be severe punishment for the perpetrators for their crimes.

Perpetrators can be threatened with cumulative charges of both child obscene acts and child abduction, as stated in Article 76E and Article 76F of Law 35/2014 in conjunction with Article 82 of Law 17/2016, and Article 83 of Law 35/2014 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code, plus a third with a maximum penalty of 20 years, a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion.

"(In addition) the victim has the right to apply for compensation in the form of restitution to the perpetrator, and may be subject to the installation of an electronic detection device because the victim has more than one child, Announcement of the Defendant's Identity and Rehabilitation," he concluded.

For information, 12 children were kidnapped in various places in South Jakarta and Bogor, West Java. The perpetrator has the initials ARA.

In the action, the perpetrator kidnaps with the mode of claiming to be a policeman to bring children who are playing and exercising outside the house under the pretext of not wearing a mask.

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