
JAYAPURA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Jayapura, Papua, hopes that teachers in the region will continue to increase creativity in teaching students.

The Head of the Jayapura Regency Education Office (Disdik) Ted Mokay said, in accordance with the theme of the 2022 National Education Day (Hardiknas) Free Learning, teachers must be more creative.

"This means that teachers can develop whatever is around the learning environment to educate children," he said in a press release received in Jayapura, quoted from Antara, Sunday 15 May.

According to Mokay, the teacher's creativity has an impact on students quickly understanding the subject matter presented.

"If there is an easier way for children to understand the material, don't use the difficult method," he said.

Especially in the direction of the Jayapura Regent Mathius Awoitauw at the Hardiknas reception on Friday, May 13, he continued, emphasizing that all parties must work hard to develop the world of education in Papua.

"So we hope that education in Papua, especially in Jayapura Regency, is even better," he said.

He added that his party invited all relevant stakeholders and regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to jointly improve the quality of education in Bumi Kenembai Umbai.

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