JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI), Seto Mulyadi or Kak Seto suggested that each region, especially the Neighborhood Association (RT) to form a child protection section. This is done to prevent kidnapping.
It is known previously that there have been kidnappings of children in Bogor and South Jakarta regencies with a mask raid mode. Luckily the police managed to catch the culprit. The victims have also returned to their respective parents.
"The principle of protecting children requires people in the village, not only parents and not only the officers involved. Therefore, I emphasize the empowerment of citizens by forming a protection section for every neighborhood unit," said Kak Seto when contacted, Sunday, May 15.
Kak Seto expressed his hope for the people in Indonesia to be able to cooperate with the government and the police. The goal is to improve the supervision of children.
"So it's not just government elements but the community is being empowered. For example, like in Banyuwangi, every neighborhood unit with the Sector or Resort Police cooperates with each other. So real communication between residents and the apparatus thus the security increases," he said.
He admitted, these children are the easiest targets to become kidnap victims. Because they are targets that can be tricked into following a perpetrator's wishes.
"There are two, namely, first for terrorism, to be persuaded that they can go to heaven for holy struggle. (Besides) they can become easy targets for victims of sexual violence or terrorism to have their organs removed," he explained.
Therefore, he asked parents not to give any space to criminals. This is done to avoid unwanted events.
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"There should not be the slightest opportunity for potential criminals or crimes," he concluded.
Previously, it was reported that Abi Rizal Afif was named a suspect in the kidnapping case of 12 minors. The disclosure of the kidnapping case, which was masterminded by the 28-year-old man, began with a report from the victim's family who claimed to have lost a child named Kevin (12) in South Jakarta, and the kidnapping case in Bogor.
Abi Rizal Afif is the same person who reported the kidnapping case in Bogor. Even the Head of the Bogor Police, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Iman Imanuddin, said that Abi Rizal Afif had kidnapped 12 children from various regions. Starting from Bogor, Tangerang, to Jakarta with the same mode, namely claiming to be a policeman.
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