
JAKARTA - Floods hit Tanalanto Village, Torue District, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi on Saturday due to the overflow of the Tindaki River after heavy rains poured down.

"Heavy rainfall starting at 11.00 central Indonesia time, caused the Tindaki River to overflow because it was unable to accommodate all the rainwater discharge and inundated the settlements and rice fields of the residents of Tanalanto Village with a water level of about 30 centimeters," said the Head of Logistics and Emergency Division of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Sulawesi Province Andi Sembiring quoted from Antara, Sunday.

He mentioned 80 heads of families (KK) who were affected by the flood. The 80 families are spread over a number of hamlets, including 14 families in hamlet IV, 50 families in hamlet V and 20 families in hamlet VI.

Luckily, Andi said, there were no casualties due to the incident and the affected residents chose to stay in their homes until the flood subsided.

"The urgent need now is to normalize the Tindaki River so that the water does not continue to overflow," he said.

Currently, the Central Sulawesi Provincial BPBD and Parigi Moutong Regency BPBD continue to collect data on infrastructure and facilities and infrastructure affected by floods.

He appealed to the residents of Tanalanto Village to remain vigilant to anticipate similar disasters that could occur at any time.

"We continue to coordinate with the Tanalanto Village Government officials to anticipate a bigger impact due to the flooding that occurred," he added.

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