
JAKARTA - Thousands of masses of the May Day Fiesta marched back to the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (GBK) after expressing their aspirations in front of the Indonesian Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta on Saturday, May 14 at noon WIB. The road in front of the people's representative building was re-opened.

Previously, the Traffic Division of the Polda Metro Jaya managed a traffic scheme by closing the roads leading to Slipi and Palmerah. This is to anticipate traffic jams during mass action.

After almost an hour had passed after the mass action, the roads were reopened normally.

"For the masses of action who return to GBK to immediately vacate the streets. Because the road will be reopened normally, so that (the crowd) doesn't get trapped between vehicles, empty it immediately," said the police officer through loudspeakers from Raisa's (mass dispersal) car Saturday, May 14 afternoon.

Hearing the appeal, the masses began to slowly vacate the location. According to VOI monitoring at the location, it appears that traffic is moving normally towards Slipi and Palmerah.

Meanwhile, a number of street corners can be seen littered with used packaging.

The May Day Fiesta action itself is a continuation of the previous agenda, namely May 1st. then. During the Mayday Fiesta, around 50 thousand workers took to the streets.

The activity, which was centered at GBK, contained the reading of 18 demands of workers, ranging from the rejection of the Omnibus law on the Job Creation Act, the abolition of outsourcing to demands that there be no hungry people in a rich country.

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