
JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran came and greeted the masses of the May Day Fiesta demonstration in front of the Indonesian Parliament Building, Senayan Jakarta on Saturday, May 14 afternoon.

While walking towards the command car to greet the crowds of action, an interesting moment occurred. In the middle of the hot day, the Kapolda took the time to stop and approach a number of traders on the sidewalk.

He did the action to greet the traders from Bakso Bakso to Ketoprak traders. Not only greeting, the Kapolda apparently also gave some money to this merchant.

While talking with traders about asking for news, Kapolda Fadil Imran said that the money was a form of treat for the workers who were carrying out the action,

"This is for friends (workers) may be provided later, just take it, okay," said the Kapolda Fadil Imran.

From the information obtained, the Kapolda gave money of one million rupiah and nine hundred thousand to each trader. This was certainly greeted enthusiastically by traders with happy smiles.

"Earlier, the Kapolda gave me one hundred thousand, after the capital has closed, I can go home after this," said Waluyo, a Ketoprak trader.

After greeting and giving treats to the workers, Kapolda Fadil Imran continued the agenda by climbing into the car oration. He ordered the action to be carried out in an orderly and peaceful manner.

The action, which lasted less than ten minutes, then required the Kapolda to step down and return to duty. At this moment, he returned through the same path and met a number of merchants.

This time, it was the turn of the mineral water and Ice Doger traders who got a fortune from the Regional Police Chief. Still with the same goal, the Kapolda said that he did it to treat workers so they could enjoy fresh drinks in the hot sun.

Apart from the humanist action of the Regional Police Chief which received a good response from the masses, the May Day Fiesta agenda, which was attended by a joint mass of the Labor Party and the Indonesian Labor Movement, would voice 18 demands.

These demands range from the rejection of the Omnibus law on the Job Creation Act, the abolition of outsourcing to demands that there are no hungry people in rich countries.

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