
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through the Jakarta III State Assets and Auction Service Office (KPKNL), Monday, May 23, intends to auction off two cars and several cell phones, which were confiscated from two corruption convicts.

"The KPK together and through the Jakarta III KPKNL will conduct an auction for the execution of the stolen goods in public," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in a statement, Friday, May 13.

The auction was based on the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) Number 4555 K/Pid.Sus/2021 dated 8 December 2021 in conjunction with the Corruption Court's decision at the DKI Jakarta High Court Number 15/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PT DKI dated 16 June 2021 jo Decision of the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court Number: 02/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Jkt.Pst 31 March 2021 on behalf of Hiendra Soenjoto which has permanent legal force.

Hiendra is the Director of PT Multicon Indrajaya Terminal (MIT), convicted of bribery and gratification cases related to the case at the Supreme Court in 2011-2016.

Then, the auction was based on the decision of the Corruption Court at the DKI Jakarta High Court Number: 40/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PT DKI dated December 29 in the name of Ferdy Yuman, which has permanent legal force.

Ferdy is a relative of former MA Secretary Nurhadi. He is a convict of a case that intentionally prevents and hinders or thwarts directly or indirectly the investigation in the case of Nurhadi and his friends.

The objects for the auction of the stolen goods are one package in the form of one Samsung mobile phone model number SM-B310E, one Apple mobile phone model iPhone 11 Pro Max, one Smartfren brand WiFi modem and one black Hyundai Santa Fe22TM CRDI brand car with police number B 1819 UJT. , engine number D4HBKU992467, frame number KMHS381CMLU198385 along with one STNK number 01440597 with registration number B 1819 UJT, one STNK number 04509806 with registration number B 1368 RFO and one black Hyundai car key without BPKB.

The loot has a limit price of IDR 418,784,000 and bidders are required to provide a security deposit of IDR 100,000,000.

Next, one package includes one Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 mobile phone, one black Toyota Fortuner car with license plate number L 1720 FD, engine number 2GDC218857, frame number MHFGB8GS3H0849229 and one remote Fortuner car key without STNK and BPKB with a limit price of Rp.373. 095,000 and a security deposit of Rp. 100,000,000.

Ali conveyed that the auction was held on Monday (23/5) by bidding using the "closed bidding" method by accessing

Furthermore, the bidding deadline is at 10.30 WIB server time (according to WIB), the determination of the auction winner after the bid deadline, the settlement of the auction price five working days after the auction, the buyer's auction fee of 3 percent of the auction price, and the place for the auction at KPKNL Jakarta III. , Central Jakarta.

"Checking the condition of the goods by prospective bidders will be held on Wednesday (18/5) at 10.00-12.00 WIB, for the Hyundai Santa Fe22TM CRDI car in the parking lot of the Immigration Office, Jalan Rasuna Said No. Kav X-6, South Jakarta and the Toyota Fortuner at the office. Class I Rupbasan, South Jakarta, Jalam Ampera Raya, No. 6 A, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta," said Ali.

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