
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime, and Agriculture Security Service (KPKP) conducted a check on a number of cows related to the spread of mouth and foot disease (PMK) at a beef cattle feedlot in the Pulogadung Industrial area, East Jakarta, Thursday, May 12.

From the results of the officer's examination regarding the cow's body temperature, mouth and feet, they did not find any indication of the disease in 19 cattle in the Pulogadung feedlot. The inspection is carried out to prevent the spread of the mouth and nail disease (FMD) virus outbreak in livestock.

The results of the inspection of the DKI Jakarta KPKP Office, the cattle feedlot in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate can be used as an example for other cattle pens in Jakarta. Because, in this place is very open so that it gets a sufficient supply of sun, good air circulation and others.

"Currently, there is no indication of PKM (in the Pulogadung cattle pen)," said Head of the DKI Jakarta KPKP Agency, Suharini Eliawati, to VOI at the location, Thursday, May 12.

Suharini appealed to the owners of cowsheds not to forget the transportation of cattle feed. The reason is, the virus can be carried by anyone so you have to be careful.

"The characteristics of cows exposed to FMD, high body temperature, acute symptoms of mouth blisters such as purulent canker sores, hooves are swollen and paralyzed," he said.

So far, continued Suharini, in DKI Jakarta no cows infected with PKM have been found.

"Every day we get reports, the results of field monitoring are in a controlled and healthy condition that deserves to be cut," he said.

However, if they find indications of cows being exposed to PKM, the cows will be quarantined for 14 days.

"We will quarantine animals with clinical indications. Hopefully it doesn't happen," he said.

As is known, foot and mouth disease (FMD) in cattle has become an epidemic in two districts in Aceh and 4 districts in East Java.

Responding to the problem of PKM in cattle, Jaelani, the owner of a cattle feedlot in the Pulogadung area, said that he was not worried about the cow disease that was rife.

"While there are no (problems), it's normal. I really maintain cleanliness, with cleanliness the cows will be healthy. For me (the PKM outbreak) it's not (disturbing) because I keep the animals clean," he said.

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