
JAKARTA - Tens of thousands of workers from various confederations will crowd the Gelora Bung Karno area, Jakarta, during the May Day Fiesta on Saturday, May 14.

The President of the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) Andi Gani Nena Wea realized that this activity would disrupt the smooth flow of traffic in the vicinity. Therefore, Andi apologized to the residents of Jakarta.

"We apologize to the residents of Jakarta, there will be around 1900 buses entering Jakarta on May 14," Andi said when met at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area, Thursday, May 12.

Andi asked the people who will be doing activities around GBK to understand that the labor activity which starts at 12.00 to 17.00 WIB is only held once a year.

"We apologize because this is a once-a-year activity. We make sure it is a peaceful action," said Andi.

Andi emphasized that the labor action at GBK would not invite political figures. Workers, continued Andi, do not want their activities to be intervened with political elements by other parties.

"There are only labor figures because we believe that our struggle should not be intervened by any politician. So, we did not invite any political figures, especially for Indonesian workers," he said.

For information, there are 18 demands that will be voiced in the May Day Fiesta, namely:

1. Reject the Omnibus law of the Job Creation Law2. Lower prices for basic commodities (cooking oil, meat, flour, eggs, etc.), fuel and gas3. Pass the PPRT Bill, reject the revision of the PPP Law, reject the revision of the SP/SB4 Law. Reject low wages5. Remove outsourcing6. Reject PPn7 tax increase. Validate the RPP for the Protection of ABK and migrant workers8. Refuse to reduce PBI health insurance participants9. Realize food sovereignty and agrarian reform10. Stop criminalizing farmers11. Low tuition fees and free 15 years of compulsory education12. Appoint honorary teachers and staff to become PNS13. Empowerment of the informal sector14. Ratification of ILO Conversion No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work15. Ojol drivers are workers, not partners whose work relationship is unclear16. Carry out the elections on February 14, 2024 in a fair manner and without money politics17. Fair redistribution of wealth by adding social security programs (food security, housing, unemployment, education, and clean water)18. There should be no hungry people in a rich country

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