
JAKARTA - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Suharyanto chaired a coordination meeting to accelerate the implementation of BNPB stimulant assistance in house repairs after the Tropical Cyclone Seroja disaster at the Governor's Office Hall, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

During the meeting, it was reported that currently there are still administrative obstacles in the process of building houses for residents affected by the Tropical Cyclone Seroja disaster that hit in April 2021.

Based on the data collected, there are 16 districts that will be given stimulant funds for the repair and construction of houses, namely Rote Ndao Regency, South Central Timor, North Central Timor, East Sumba, Kupang, Sabu Raijua, West Sumba, Ende, Belu, Malacca, East Flores, Alor, Ngada, Lembata and West Manggarai.

Progress as of May 10, 2022, it is stated that repairs and construction are still low, although the City of Kupang, Ende Regency and Rote Ndao Regency have been in the process of repairing and building damaged houses. This is inseparable from the administrative completeness that needs to be completed in order to accelerate the handling.

"It seems that there are still areas that are still undergoing administrative processes, such as setting technical guidelines, conducting verification, validation, and socialization. This situation must continue to be encouraged, especially the acceleration of house repairs and construction," said Suharyanto in a coordination meeting, Thursday, May 12.

Therefore, Suharyanto encouraged the acceleration of house repairs and the use of stimulant funds for the affected communities. Moreover, the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase will end on May 31, 2022 and will be extended until August 31, 2022.

"This acceleration is needed so that the affected people can immediately obtain housing and on the other hand, the use of stimulant funds can support economic recovery from the impact of COVID-19," said Suharyanto.

In addition, the active role of local governments is considered necessary to accelerate the handling. One of them is by involving other pentahelix elements by carrying out self-management for houses with moderately damaged (RS) and lightly damaged (RR) categories.

"I expect the active role of regional leaders to immediately accelerate the use of this stimulant. It is very possible to do this, especially self-management for hospitals and RR," added Suharyanto.

For information, according to President Joko Widodo's instructions, 700 units are currently under construction in Lembata Regency and 300 units in Adonara, East Flores Regency.

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