
PAMEKASAN - Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Pamekasan Mawardi stated that as many as 29 hajj candidates from the region canceled their departure to the Holy Land of Mecca during the 1443 Hijri hajj season due to health factors.

"Apart from health reasons, some of them canceled their trip to the Holy Land of Mecca because they were not with their relatives or family," Mawardi said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 11.

He explained that the quota for Hajj pilgrims for Pamekasan Regency set by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia this year was 443 people.

However, he said, of this number 29 people resigned or canceled leaving, leaving 414 people.

"But the number of 414 people is not final, because we will still fill in the replacement candidates who are on the waiting list," he said.

If none of the Hajj registrants on the waiting list wants to replace him, he said, it will be handed over to the Hajj organizing committee at the provincial level or the East Java Ministry of Religion.

"What is clear, certainty regarding the number of pilgrims from Pamekasan who will depart for the pilgrimage is still waiting until May 20, 2022," he said.

Hajj candidates who want to perform the pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Mecca who have been vaccinated with doses of 1, 2 and 3 or booster vaccines.

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