
PADANG - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) plans to issue a decree on the appointment of the Acting Regent (Pj) of the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra.

"The term of office of the Mentawai Regent ends on May 22, 2022. The Ministry of Home Affairs appoints the Acting Regent to run the wheels of government until a new regional head is elected in the 2024 Election," said Head of the West Sumatra Government Bureau, Doni Rahmat Samulo in Padang, Antara, Wednesday, May 11.

He said the Governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi had proposed three names to become the acting (Pj) of the Mentawai Regent, namely Head of the Community Empowerment Agency (BPM), Amasrul, Head of the Forestry Service Yozawardi and Head of the West Sumatra PUPR Service, Era Sukma Munaf.

However, based on verbal information from the Director General of Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the person who will be appointed as Acting Regent does not absolutely come from the three proposed names.

There is a possibility that the Ministry of Home Affairs will appoint a director-level official to become the Acting Regent of Mentawai.

The term of office of the Regent of the Mentawai Islands which ends on May 22, 2022. After being appointed, the wheels of government of the Mentawai Islands Regency will be carried out by the Acting Officer for 3 years.

In addition, Mentawai City Payakumbuh will also end in October 2022. However, for Payakumbuh has not been proposed the names of Acting.

This year there were no regional head elections (Pilkada) for the two regions. Because the regional elections will be held simultaneously in 2024. For this reason, these two regions will be held by officials until 2024.

Based on Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Regional Head Elections, Article 210 paragraph 9 states how to fill vacancies in the positions of governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, as well as mayor and deputy mayor whose terms of office expire in 2022 and 2023.

The rule is to appoint acting governors, acting regents, and acting mayors until the election of governors and deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, as well as mayors and deputy mayors through national simultaneous elections in 2024.

The acting regent has a term of office of 1 (one) year and can be extended for the following 1 (one) year with the same or different people.

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